Our Programs

Breathe Bravely is committed to connecting and serving the CF community through the art of singing. By focusing on the art of singing, our sINgSPIRE programs also promote self-awareness and respiratory strength through the practice of good posture, deep breathing, and the act of singing.


Singspire Virtual Lessons

A 10-week virtual program that focuses on the art and physical attributes of singing, pairing 30-40 students worldwide with a professional vocal coach for one-on-one weekly zoom sessions.

Click HERE to learn more.


Singspire Virtual Choir

A collection of voices that are a testament to the power of perseverance. Our virtual choir videos are made of singers from all over the world, unified by a passion for singing and a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis. 

Click HERE to learn more.

CF Awareness

Breathe Bravely is always eager to promote awareness of Cystic Fibrosis. Join our mailing list to learn about opportunities for you to help.

Click HERE to sign-up.

CF Resource outreach

Breathe Bravely is proud to team up with other non-profit organizations that also promote and advance the awareness of Cystic Fibrosis.

Click HERE to learn more.