Who We Are:
Singers from all over the world defying a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis through
the art of singing- join their diverse and powerful voices together in a unified chorus of strength, tenacity, and unrelenting hope.
A Quick Overview:
The sINgSPIRE Virtual Choir is composed of individuals with cystic fibrosis ranging in age from 15 to 62.
The complete roster of sINgSPIRE Virtual Choir members includes singers from all over the world. The sINgSPIRE Virtual Choir is made up of a select group of individuals who have completed at least one session of the sINgSPIRE private lesson program.
Individuals in the virtual choir represent a diversity of professions and musical experiences but are unified by a passion for singing and a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis.
Each project reflects the beautifully raw, unique individual voices of each singer while coming together as one collective, powerful voice.
The sINgSPIRE Virtual Choir represents a diversity of individuals with cystic fibrosis while serving as a catalyst for community through the life-giving love of singing. Each unique and beautiful voice, building something greater together. Its power apparent in each individual’s unique story brought to life through the gift of song.
“Being a part of a choir is an experience unlike any other. There’s something truly magical about joining your voice together with another persons and creating something so much greater than you could ever do on your own. It’s made even more meaningful when you’re doing it against all odds.”

***The sINgSPIRE Virtual Choir is made possible through generous support provided by:
SVC8 - “It’ll Happen or It Won’t”
May 2023 - SVC8
“It’ll Happen or It Won’t”
Music & Lyrics by Jennifer Lucy Cook
Audio by Peter White Music
Video by Crave Media
Dance & Choreography by Ally Montez
About this project: While cystic fibrosis dares to steal every beautiful breath and isolate us from one another, these eighteen singers are defying a diagnosis by uniting their unique and powerful voices representing a life rooted in realized and enduring hope.
Together, from all over the world they not only dream of reaching the summit, but the connection born of their tenacious collective spirit is what moves mountains - inspiring a community in which every voice, every story, and every beautiful breath can find belonging.
Take a breath. Take Step. You’re Here.
SVC7 - “Breathing Beyond Borders”
October 2022 - Project #7
Breathing Beyond Borders
Click on image to get a closer look at the list of singers for this project.
About this project: It has always been a great hope that someday our sINgSPIRE community might not only be able to simply connect and sing, but that they would be able to do so as if we were sitting in the same room. Today that hope is realized through an advancing technology called, “JackTrip” that the sINgSPIRE program trialed during 2022.
This evolving technology utilizes a connection that allows us to not only make music as if we are in the same room but deepens the nuanced connection of simple communication, we all take for granted.
In a community that cannot share the same space due to cross-infection risks associated with CF. Such an exciting opportunity defies an isolation we thought impossible to overcome in real-time.
Together, we are doing the impossible. We are breathing beyond borders.
Fourteen individuals living with CF from all over North America singing together. LIVE.
SVC6 - “No One Walks Alone” :
May 2022 - Project #6
No One Walks Alone
Words and music by Ashley Ballou-Bonnema.
Arranged by Natalie Campbell.
Video and Audio by Crave Media
Click on image to get a closer look at the list of singers for this project.
About this project: Our journeys may look different. Our roads may seemingly run along paralleled paths. Our life’s story may simply be unfolding upon a foundation of hope-filled uncertainty. But, within every footstep there are brief moments when our lives and stories intersect. They are unsuspecting moments filled with meaning- a place and time when our paths serendipitously cross.
It’s in those moments our paths find a synchronization in step and our breaths find chorus in the rise and fall of common rhythm. No matter what our paths may look like or where they may lead, it’s those moments that remind us that no one walks alone.
SVC5 - “Holding Our Breath”
September 2021 - Project #5
Holding Our Breath
Words and music by Ashley Ballou-Bonnema.
Arranged by Natalie Campbell.
Video and Audio by Crave Media.
Starring Katie E. Osborn
Featuring Nicholas Ferracamo
Short Film Editing by All the World’s Her Stage Productions
Click on image to get a closer look at the list of singers for this project.
About this project: When we look out over the sea, we do not see the salt suspended atop the crest of every wave. We merely see the reflection of the sky and its rolling breath of life making what’s held within even more invisible to the eye. The eyes of the world rarely see the inward destruction and chaos caused by an invisible disease like cystic fibrosis. The world reflected on the face of those who dwell amidst a misunderstood isolation. Amidst a journey that only few will ever truly know and only from six feet apart.
We hold our breath hoping that someone, somewhere understands. That somehow the depth of our experience, who we truly are from within, and our unrelenting hope might find its way to the eyes that need to see it and the heart that needs to hear it so that they may know they are not invisible. They are not alone.
That no matter the distance, the decades, or the disease that separates us, we together hold a strength within that is silently reflected and found within the beauty of every breath.
SVC4 - “Blaze of Every Breath”
May 2021 - Project #4
Blaze of Every Breath
Words and music by Ashley Ballou-Bonnema.
Arranged by Natalie Campbell.
Video and Audio by Crave Media
Click on image to get a closer look at the list of singers for this project.
About this project: While cystic fibrosis dares to steal every beautiful breath and isolate us from one another, these twenty-six individuals are defying a diagnosis alongside members of our CF community from all over the world. Together, they are uniting their unique and powerful voices representing a life rooted in realized and enduring hope.
Together we create a masterpiece that represents a community in which every voice, every story, and every beautiful breath can find belonging.
SVC3 - “Breathe”
September 2020 - Project #3
Words and music by Ashley Ballou-Bonnema.
Arranged by Natalie Campbell.
Video and Audio by Crave Media
Click on image to get a closer look at the list of singers for this project.
About this project: These seventeen singers are not only separated by thousands of miles but by a disease called “cystic fibrosis” that makes each of them a potential risk to one another due to circumstances of cross-infection- never allowing them ever to meet in person, let alone join together their collective voices in the form of a choir. Even outside of a pandemic, this is the only safe way these singers can come together as one voice.
While cystic fibrosis dares to steal every beautiful breath and isolate us from one another, we are defying a diagnosis by joining our unique and powerful voices together as part of the sINgSPIRE Virtual Choir. Our voices, are a collaboration of strength, tenacity, and unified unrelenting hope that beats within each of us. A hope that someday we might know the weightlessness of what it means to simply “Breathe.”
SVC2 - “We Give Voice”
January 2020 - Project #2
We Give Voice
Words and music by Ashley Ballou-Bonnema.
Arranged by Natalie Campbell.
Video and Audio by Crave Media
Click on image to get a closer look at the list of singers for this project.
About this project: These fourteen singers are not only separated by thousands of miles, but by a disease called “cystic fibrosis.” CF makes them a potential risk to one another due to circumstances of cross-infection, never allowing them to meet in person. Let alone join their set of collective voices together as a part of a choir.
While cystic fibrosis dares to steal every beautiful breath and isolate us from one another, we are defying a diagnosis by joining our unique and powerful voices together as part of the sINgSPIRE Virtual Choir as a collaboration of strength, tenacity, and unified unrelenting hope.
We are the voice of people who persevere.
SVC1 - “Until It’s Done”
June 2019 - Project #1
Until It’s Done
Words and music by Ashley Ballou-Bonnema.
Arranged by Natalie Campbell.
Video and Audio by Crave Media
Click on image to get a closer look at the list of singers for this project.
About the project: These fourteen singers are not only separated by thousands of miles, but by a disease called “cystic fibrosis.” CF makes them a potential risk to one another due to circumstances of cross-infection, never allowing them to meet in person. Let alone join their set of collective voices together as a part of a choir.
While cystic fibrosis dares to steal every beautiful breath and isolate us from one another, we are defying a diagnosis by joining our unique and powerful voices together as part of the sINgSPIRE Virtual Choir as a collaboration of strength, tenacity, and unified unrelenting hope.
We are stronger together, fighting CF until it’s done.
Interested in using one of the sINgSPIRE Virtual Choir’s projects for your fundraising event, conference, or special event?
Contact Ashley for more details .
A beautiful live hybrid performance of Sing Gently from the Grand Rally at the #nammshow! Eric Whitacre conducted an in-person pianist, string quartet and over 30 singers performing over a JackTrip Labs Virtual Studio, including singers from Breathe Bravely’s sINgSPIRE program.
A special thank you to Natalie Campbell, Maren Engel, Krista Costen, and Bret Ferguson.