Ashley Ballou-Bonnema, is a professional musician with a masters degree in vocal performance. She is the founder of the nonprofit Breathe Bravely and creator of the sINgSPIRE program - a 10 week program that combats the effects of cystic fibrosis through the art of singing.
Hello! My name is Ashley Ballou-Bonnema and I am a professional musician who specializes in utilizing the art of singing and its fundamental technique to enhance the quality of life and overall health of others. I am a singer who lives with a chronic illness called, “cystic fibrosis” - a disease, in which for me, results in significant lung complications due to an abundance of thick sticky mucus compromising my overall respiratory system and other organ systems.
Singing has played a significant role in my life and overall wellbeing as an individual with compromised lungs. In 2017, I founded a program called, “sINgSPIRE”, that utilizes the art of singing to enhance the mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing of those with cystic fibrosis - strengthening respiratory awareness and breath management skills all while gaining the mental and emotional benefits associated with the act of simply singing.
I’ve personally used the art of singing in conjunction with my standard cystic fibrosis treatments to help combat the effects of this progressive genetic disease and help gage the ever-changing condition of my lungs.
Covid-19 is a respiratory illness that can significantly and fatally impact the lives of those with underlying chronic illnesses as well as individuals who do not have any underlying health conditions. Regardless of its intent, by utilizing the art of singing each one of us can benefit from its life-enhancing impact during such a time of physical distancing and isolation. Incorporating a bit of singing into our daily life will not only benefit our individual respiratory systems, but will have a positive impact on our individual emotional and mental wellbeing. The life-giving benefits of singing are for EVERYONE.
Make singing a part of your daily schedule - it’s an art that will not only benefit every one of us during this time of physical distancing and isolation, but is one that we can carry with us long after this pandemic is past us. I challenge you to find the beauty alive within your breath and the power it gives your unique voice. Below are a few simple exercises from our sINgSPIRE program and ways in which you can incorporate the art of singing to help maintain your respiratory health and overall wellbeing.
Sending all my very best to each of you - Ashley
Just Breathe:
The foundation of all singing is breath. By strengthening and focusing on our breath, we maximize the ability and potential of our voice. Breath Cycles and their focus on deep breathing allows depthful air movement to all areas of our lungs - giving the opportunity for maximum expansion and breath intake. This ever-developing strength and awareness builds muscle while maintaining flexibility. Breath exercises promote an innate awareness of our respiratory system - allowing us to notice any subtle differences from day to day. Mindful breathing allows our breath to ground us while helping to mitigate anxiety and tension.
The Standard Breath Cycle:
The Straw Breath Cycle:
Just Sing:
Singing calls upon the strength and endurance of our diaphragmatic support (deep breathing). It steadies our breath output, challenges our respiratory system, and causes mood-enhancing endorphins to be released.
Using a Simple Song :
”You Are My Sunshine”
Create a playlist of your favorite songs and for 10, 20, or even 30 minutes just simply sing with all the breath you’ve got.
*Benefits may vary based upon individual. sINgSPIRE and its programming derive from Ashley’s experience in the field as a professional voice instructor, performer, her personal studies in the area of voice, along with personal research.
The art of singing should not replace any of your current health treatments, but simply be utilized as an additional tool to your current wellness and healthcare regimen. Please consult your doctor before making any changes or additions to your care plan.