Interview Series with Everett Goodrow, younger brother of Elena Goodrow

Greetings friends! Today I’m bringing you a different perspective, one from my 13 year old brother. His name is Everett, he is the youngest of 4 kids, and he’s always been one of my best friends. Even though we are 7 years apart in age we have always had a unique connection, we really understand each other emotionally. Of the 4 kids in my family, I have CF, two of them do not carry the CF gene, and Everett carries the gene but does not have CF. With Everett being the youngest I’ve always wondered what his thoughts are on CF. What was it like for him growing up watching me go through hard times with my health? How does he feel about being a CF carrier? I asked him these questions recently… here are the answers:

Elena: Explain what CF is in your own words.

Everett: “In order to have CF, your parents need to have a CF gene that they pass along to you.  CF is a disease of the lungs that makes it harder to breathe.  You need to take inhaled medicine for it and you can use devices to help you breathe better. Sometimes you have to stay in the hospital for a long time. When you have CF you also need to take pills before you eat but I don’t know why. Just because you have CF doesn’t mean you are sick all the time, and sometimes you don’t even know that someone has it. 

Elena: Tell me about growing up with a sister who has Cystic Fibrosis.

Everett: I remember that my sister used a machine at night that shakes her chest while she breathed medicine.  Sometimes we went to hospitals because something was wrong or we needed to check in for tests.  Sometimes we had to cancel events because she was sick, like going to visit someone.  We went to dinners and running competitions to raise money for medicine research.  My sister made videos to advertise and she sang songs.  I don’t remember anyone else that has CF besides my sister. 

Elena: How does it make you feel knowing that you carry the CF gene?

Everett: I can pass it down, but I don't have CF. I’m not scared or nervous. If I had a child with CF, I would know what to expect.  

It was so sweet to hear him describe his thoughts exactly as they came, I hope it brings a smile to your face. It certainly did for me! I think my favorite quote was, “When you have CF you also need to take pills  before you eat but I don’t know why.” It definitely made me laugh… next time we eat together I’ll have to explain why. I’m glad I got to use this opportunity to connect with my brother more. If anyone is interested in doing a similar thing with a sibling please let me know!  Sending good vibes to all!   - Elena