Interview with musician, Max Rampley Elena GoodrowJuly 12, 2024discovery, voice, story, cystic fibrosis, Community, MusicComment
"Letting Go" by Sandy Sufian Sandy SufianJune 14, 2024Music, breathe, gratitude, Life Lessons, habits, discoveryComment
"Creativity" by Elena Goodrow Elena GoodrowApril 12, 2024Elena Goodrow, story, discovery, Life LessonsComment
"On the Other Side of the Process" by Elena Goodrow Elena GoodrowJanuary 26, 2024Elena Goodrow, CFIRL, discovery, brighter side, Aging, cystic fibrosis, story Comment
"The Trees are Alive with the Sound of Coughing" by Devin Wakefield Devin WakefieldJanuary 19, 2024Community, cystic fibrosis, Life Lessons, discovery, support, CFIRL Comments
New year: new stress?" by Elena Goodrow Elena GoodrowJanuary 5, 2024Elena Goodrow, cystic fibrosis, story, Life Lessons, CFIRL, discovery, transformation, awareness, habitsComment
Interview Series with Aliyah Novelli, creator of CF Wellbeing Collective Aliyah NovelliJanuary 1, 2024story, discovery, Music, cystic fibrosis, advocacy, voice, bravery, CommunityComment
"One Breath at a Time" by Samantha Rick Samantha RickNovember 27, 2023transplant, transformation, story, cystic fibrosis, discovery, CFIRL, Life Lessons Comment
"The Desire To Do Something" by Meghann Johnson Meghann JohnsonSeptember 15, 2023support, purpose, story, cystic fibrosis, transformation, transplant, discovery, Life Lessons, CFIRL Comment
Learning from August Elena GoodrowSeptember 8, 2023Elena Goodrow, discovery, cystic fibrosis, Life Lessons, CFIRL Comment
"Peaks & Valleys" by Michelle Herpolsheimer Michelle HerpolsheimerJuly 21, 2023cystic fibrosis, discovery, transformation, CFIRL, Community, Life Lessons, story, gratitudeComment
"We Made a Theatre Community" by Nicole Kohr Nicole KohrJune 30, 2023Community, advocacy, voice, discovery, author, bravery, cystic fibrosis Comments
"Be Proud" by Carrie Ives Carrie IvesJune 16, 2023Community, discovery, voice, bravery, Life Lessons, transformationComment
"Game Changer" by Elena Goodrow SingingElena GoodrowJune 9, 2023voice, Music, habits, l, recommendations, discoveryComment
"Best Summer Reads" by Kate Funderburk RecommendationsKate FunderburkJune 2, 2023books, recommendations, Community, discovery, storyComment
"Why not" by Ashley Ballou-Bonnema Ashley Ballou-BonnemaMay 27, 2023cystic fibrosis, Community, bravery, discovery, Life Lessons, MusicComment
"Beyond the CF Girl" by Elena Goodrow Elena GoodrowMay 6, 2023advocacy, Community, discovery, Elena Goodrow, Life Lessons, voice, MusicComment